In today’s digital media age, job seekers have access to an unprecedented amount of employment information. Applicants can scan hundreds of potential job opportunities in a matter of minutes before deciding which to pursue. This is especially true for the construction sector, which is currently experiencing a historic labor shortage of over half a million despite the plethora of job search resources available. Therefore, it’s important that companies be creative in offering incentives to make themselves stand out to potential applicants in an already constrained applicant pool.
One of the simplest yet effective ways construction sector employers can appeal to untapped talent is to offer paid internship opportunities. The economic constraints today are such that many job seekers cannot accept unpaid internships that often last for months before a possible promotion. Allocating more resources towards paid internship programs supports equity, encourages applicants to keep an open mind, and puts employers at an advantage in attracting more talent thus creating a pipeline of new and diverse workers.
This strategy can also benefit job seekers in underserved populations, experienced adults looking to enter the skilled trades as well as inexperienced adults seeking to gain a foothold in a new industry. Furthermore, companies would benefit from utilizing this strategy in tandem with strategies to specifically attract more women applicants, a group whose voice is not always heard or properly valued in such a male-dominated sector.
Working with BigHire, employers are encouraged to capitalize on their resources. A paid internship enables prospective candidates to view companies as worthwhile places to expand their skills and get their footing in an industry without sacrificing their basic needs.